Common Services Centers (CSCs) are the access points for delivery of various e-governance and business services to citizens in rural and remote areas of the country. It is a pan-India network catering to regional, geographic, linguistic and cultural diversity of the country, thus enabling the Government’s mandate of a socially, financially and digitally inclusive society.As an integral part of Digital India Programme, CSCs offer assisted accessof e-services to citizens with a focus on enhancing governance, deliveringessential government and public utility services, social welfare schemes,financial services, education and skill development courses, health andagriculture services and digital literacy, apart from a host of B2C services.CSCs are envisioned to facilitate a platform thatwill enable government, private and social sector organizations to integratetheir social and commercial goals and take benefits of information andcommunication tools (ICT) to the remotest corners of the country.CSCs act as change agents and are much more thanmere service delivery points in rural India. They promote ruralentrepreneurship, build rural capacities and livelihood, enable communityparticipation and support collective action for social change through abottom-up approach with a focus on the rural citizen.The Village Level Entrepreneur (VLE) is the key tothe success of CSC operations. While content and services are important, it isthe VLE’s entrepreneurial ability that ensures sustainability of the CSC. Agood VLE not only has financial strength, but is somebody with strongentrepreneurial traits, social commitment and commands respect and credibilitywithin the community. The quality of service at the CSCs is as effective as thequality of VLEs operating them. Selection, proper training and motivation ofthe VLE, therefore, play a vital role in the success of CSC scheme.